mosaic work

This gallery is a mix of commissions and personal work.
My portfolio covers mosaic, including jewellery, mixed media collage, lino and screen prints and printed ceramics. These include hand made scrabble sized ceramic lettering and flower and bird designs which are combined with mosaic and framed.
I have created many items, for individuals, for schools and for businesses, the gallery shows a representative selection.

work for sale
also online
Please visit my online shop, however I am not very good at/or have enough time to keep this up to date so sometimes it is best to contact me directly.
Sign up to the newsletter to be informed about private sales for jewellery and mosaics which take place throughout the year.
If you are interested in creating a piece of art please contact me to discuss what is involved. A ball park figure for mosaic art is about £1,000 per square meter, plus materials, an A3 mosaic about £350. Projects are always collaborative, please click here to see further examples of personal projects, for community work or schools click here. I enjoy every challenge whether it is creating a special piece for a wedding, a range of card designs or a piece of public art.